
From our College Principal -
Mr Peter Clague

Welcome to St Leonard's College - Bayside's school of choice and one of Melbourne's leading independent schools.


汤头条 is one of Melbourne’s leading independent schools, offering a seamless education across the spectrum, from the youngest child entering our Early Learning Centre to the seniors who graduate from year 12. By implication then, we are a family school.

Our reputation for educational excellence and innovation is built upon a proud history that stretches back over 100 years. A defining hallmark throughout that time has been a willingness to innovate without ever losing the integrity of our core values. It is a mindset that has allowed the College to remain relevant and respected as the decades have changed.

We hope that is how you find us today; diverse, dynamic, and at the leading edge of educational best practice. However, innovative as we are, one thing has remained resolute at St Leonard’s for over a century. That is, our determination to equip young people with an education that will serve them, not just to the College gates, but throughout their life beyond.

St Leonard’s is proud to have become Bayside’s school of choice. We offer a diverse curriculum and extensive cocurricular opportunities, all delivered by exceptional teachers in breath-taking . Yet we believe our appeal runs deeper than that. One of our fundamental aims is for our young people to understand that with great privilege comes great responsibility. To realise that their education should not just advance their own lives, but those of others as well. That’s the reason why opportunities for meaningful service are at the heart of what we call an education for life.

A history as long as ours brings with it proud milestones. 汤头条 was the first single-sex Independent school in Victoria to coeducate and 2022 marked the 50th anniversary of that innovation. We also celebrated 50 years of Outdoor Education at the College, and 40 years of our provision of the world-class International Baccalaureate Diploma, offered alongside the VCE.

In that context then, I invite you to book a tour to visit 汤头条 to learn a little more about that legacy, and to meet some of the outstanding educators who create our special blend of core values and progressive innovation.

Peter Clague
St Leonard’s College Principal


To hear more from our College Principal, Mr Peter Clague, click on the articles below.

– Amidst recent media scrutiny over incidents of misogyny and online abuse in schools, our Principal emphasises proactive education, addressing disrespectful behaviours and promoting responsible technology use among students and parents.


– Our dedicated teachers have the capacity to touch the future by preparing our students for tomorrow, today.


– Mr Peter Clague?takes us on a wild ride down memory lane showcasing the delicate balance between freedom and safety through parenting and teaching.


– Mr Peter Clague, explores the profound influence of our teachers on students’ lives, highlighting one of his most crucial tasks of attracting and retaining exceptional teachers.


– Our College mobile phone mantra, ‘Invisible and Silent’, prepares our students to use technologies responsibly in today’s digital world.


– Mr Peter Clague welcomes all to the new school year, emphasising the opportunity for growth through “micro-ambition,” focusing on small daily successes to reach long-term goals.


– Our Principal likens the College year-end to a bustling station, welcoming newcomers and bidding farewells with shared excitement and adventure


? – The value of instilling responsible mobile phone usage in our students


– The importance of nurturing optimism and resilience in our young people


?The Power of Authentic Educational Experiences


Our Principal, Peter Clague, reflects on reconciliation and the Voice to Parliament


?The Dangers of Mediocrity and The Power of High Expectations


– Staying True to our Values with our Scholarship Program


– Reflections on the Topical ChatGPT Technology


Principal’s 2022 Yearbook Introduction for The Leonardian


Principal’s Welcome to the 2023 Academic Year


?– The Benefits of Coeducation


– Recovery after the Pandemic


– The Similarities Between Pottery and Parenting